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2N3632 Transistor Data

Key transistor data for the 2N3632 NPN RF power transistor including key electrical parameters, pinout, package type and many other key transistor datasheet details.

The 2N3553 is an epitaxial silicon NPN transistor of the 'overlay' emitter electrode construction type. It is intended for use in high frequency (VHF & UHF) class A, B, and C amplifiers, frequency multipliers and oscillators.

Key details and performance parameters for the 2N3632 transistor.

Transistor parameters & data
Parameters Details
Transistor type NPN silicon RF power transistor
Package type TO60
VCBO max (V) 65
VCEO max (V) 40
VEBOmax (V) 4
IC max (A) 3 peak, 3 continuous
TJ Max °C 200
fT min (MHz) 400
COB 20pF
IC for hfe
Similar / equivalents



Explanation of transistor parameters

Parameter Explanation
VCBO Max Maximum collector-base voltage with emitter open circuit .
VCEO Max Maximum collector-emitter voltage with base open circuit.
VEBO Max Maximum emitter-base voltage with collector open circuit.
VCEsat (included where applicable) The voltage drop across the collector-emitter when the transistor is fully saturated (acting as a closed switch).
IC Max Maximum collector current.

Parameter Explanation
TJ Maximum junction temperature.
PTOT Max Maximum device dissipation normally in free air at 25°C unless other conditions indicated.
fT Min Minimum cutoff frequency at which the current gain in a common emitter circuit falls to unity.
COB Max Maximum collector capacitane, normally measured with emitter open circuit.
hFE DC current gain for HFE at IC. [Note hfe is the small signal gain and although this may be slightly different, the transistor current gain will vary considerably from ne transistor to the next of the same type.]
PTOT Max Maximum device dissipation normally in free air at 25°C unless other conditions indicated.

These are the main transistor parameters that have been included in our list. There are others, but these help quantify the main elements of the performance of the transistor.


Please note, that the data given is the best estimate we can give within a tabulated summary of this nature. Parameters also vary between manufacturers. Electronics Notes cannot accept any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, etc, although we do endevaour to ensure the data is as accurate as possible.

Notes and supplementary information

In view of the power levels for which this transistor is used, a heatsink is normally used. The stud mounting is isolated fromt he internal connections, i.e. collector, base and emitter.

The transistor has been used in a variety of different applications but is popular for VHF / UHF transmitters where it has often been used to develop RF output powers in excess of 10 watts at 260 MHz and 13.5 watts at 175 MHz.

  •   Health and safety

The device contains beryllium oxide which is very hazardous. Great care must be taken to ensure that the encapsulation is not damaged in anyway as this could expose the beryllium oxide to the surroundings.

  •   Availability & sources

The device is available from a number of stockists and electronic component distributors.


  •   RF amplifier circuit

A basic RF amplifier circuit that could be used for the 2N3632 is given below.

Transistor RF amplifier circuit for 2N3632
Transistor RF amplifier circuit for 2N3632

The circuit was intended as a test circuit for the 2N3632 but can be used as the basis of an RF power output or driver circuit.

The values for 175 MHz test circuit can be:
    C1, C2, C3, C4 4.0 - 29pF air trimmer (dot indicates live end)
    C5 10nF polyester (ceramic would be fine)
    C6 100pF ceramic
    L1 = 1 turn 1mm copper wire, internal diameter 10mm, leads 2 x 10mm
    L2 = Ferrocube choke coil. Z at 175 MHz = 550Ω part number 4312 020 36640
    L3 = 15 turns closely wound 0.7mm enamelled copper wire internal diameter 4mm
    L4 = 3 turns closely wound 1.5 mm enamelled copper wire internal diameter 12 mm with leads 2 x 20mm
    R = between 0 and 2Ω dependent upon design and operating conditions.

the emitter lead of of the transistor should be connected toth e case using as short a lead as possible.

Ian Poole   Written by Ian Poole .
  Experienced electronics engineer and author.

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