Clear summaries & information about electronics, radio and connectivity
from electronics engineer, Ian Poole.

Ian Poole

Thank you for visiting Electronics Notes. On the site I aim to provide accessible summaries, and information with a minimum of jargon covering many electronics engineering topics. All the topics are manually written by myself and the aim is to provide useful information that is easy to understand and to include many hints, tips & practical guidance notes using my experience from my many years as an electronics engineer.

Electronics Notes is written and run by Ian Poole


Component Data

I've just launched a new section on the website which provides data for various components. There is the component data along with distributor stock levels and links to their sites. I'll be considerably expanding this over the coming weeks and months.   Check it out and keep visiting!

Today's Selected Videos

Latest Videos

Video: Understanding the Common Emitter Transistor Circuit

Video: Understanding the Emitter Follower Transistor Circuit


My Amazon Storefront

I've recently been developing an Storefront to complement the pages on the website. Although I gain a commission that helps keep the website going, there is no additional cost to you. Check it out regularly as I'm always updating it.   See more . . .


Latest Content

Microprocessor vs Microcontroller - what are the differences:  Microprocessors and micrcontrollers are both forms of processor unit, but what are the differences, advantages, disadvantages & where are each type used.
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Battery leakage Battery Corrosion: The Silent Enemy of Electrical Performance:   Corrosion associated with all forms of batteries can destroy not only the battery, but also the equipment around it, so its important to understand how it occurs, how to precent it, and perform remedial action when it has happened.
    Read more . . . . .

Transistors Early Effect in Bipolar Transistors: A 101 Overview:   The Early Effect occurs in bipolar transistors and is the variation in the effective width of the base arising from changes in the base-to-collector voltage.
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Ferrite rings How to Use Ferrite Rings to Cure Power Line Interference:  It's often possible to easily reduce or cure issues caused by interference carried along the power lines by using easy to obtain ferrite rings.
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Cost Effective Online Training

We've partnered with some top training provides to offer you a great choice of training options wherever you may be.   See more . . .


What's on ElectronicsNotes:

There is a huge variety of information on ElectronicsNotes ranging from the basic concepts through to 5G and more. Everything from electronic components, circuit designs, connectivity with everything from wired technologies like Ethernet, RS2432 and more to wireless technologies including mobile communications, Wi-Fi, IoT communications as well as radio and RF design antennas, and a host of other topics.

Find out all the information you need to know using our easily understood explanations.


Becoming an Engineer

Electronic engineering can make a great career providing interest, challenges and good prospects
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Technology history

Discover some of the stories that detail how the foundations were set in place for today's technology.

We have a large number of pages devoted to pioneers, how technology was invented and developed as well as descriptions of many types of radio receiver, etc, etc.

      Read more . . . . .

History of the Vacuum Tube

Read all about the history of the vacuum tube or thermionic valve: initial discoveries, Fleming\'s diode valve, de Forest\'s Audion, the directly and indirectly heated cathodes, . . their rise and fall.

Electronics Notes aims to provide accessible summaries about a host of electronics, radio and connectivity technologies in a practical and useful way.

Our aim is to support those who want to learn about the technology: those who are established engineers as well as students and hobbyists.

The topics included in the site range from the basic electronics concepts (useful for established engineers as well looking for those equations, formulas etc, including topics like basic electronics concepts, component descriptions and explanations, circuit designs and circuit design principals, manufacturing techniques, radio technology & RF design and wired and wireless connectivity and a host of other topics.

To fund the running of the site, we obviously need to carry advertising, but we aim to make this not too intrusive. We hope you understand, but we need to have income to meet the not inconsiderable running costs.
