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Inductance Equations & Basics Infographic

My infographic shows some of the fundamental and useful equations associated with inductance and inductors - check it out.

Inductance is one of the key electrical parameters and it is less widely understood than capacitance.

This infographic focusses on self inductance with the basic definitions and calculations that are needed to understand it.

Inductors are used in all areas of electronic circuit design, from low frequencies up into the microwave region and beyond.

In fact any wire has inductance associated with it, and having an understanding of this can help, especially when working with high frequency circuits, those in the VHF, UHF and microwave portions of the radio spectrum.



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Please note that this infographic is copyright and should not be used without permission - Thank you.

Ian Poole   Written by Ian Poole .
  Experienced electronics engineer and author.
