Online Job Application

Key hints and tips about online job applications - what to expect and how to make the application online.

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Many employers and employment agencies require job applications to be filed online.

Online job applications can be very easy, but require a little more preparation beforehand.

Online job applications provide jobs portals with an excellent way of collecting prospective candidates applications and then being able to disseminate them to possible employers.

Online job applications - first steps

The first thing to bear in mind is that if employers of agencies require an online job application, then don't email or send them in any other way as the employer may look negatively at this. You will be expected to apply in the method they have requested.

Fortunately online job applications are easy to complete. Normally the form for the online application has been set out in a way that will follow a logical path.

As the online job application will have require several items of information, it is easy to have all the relevant information together before starting the online job application. Ideally as much as possible should be available electronically.

Typically online job applications first require you to register. This simply means that you will need to create an account. Typically a login name and a password will need to be generated. Many websites will use your e-mail address as the login. You will have to register separately for each job website.

Submitting the online job application

Depending upon the jobsite or employer, there are typically three ways of submitting an online job application:

  • Attach a file of resume or CV:   This form of online job application requires you to attach a file containing your resume or CV. As a result, it is always best to have your CV to hand on the computer or memory stick ready to upload.
  • Cut & paste resume into application:   Some online job applications require parts or all of your CV to be cut and pasted into various boxes or areas on their electronic application form. Again, for this it is necessary to have your CV available in its electronic format. It may also be helpful to have other relevant information to hand as well in case they ask anything that may not be on your CV.
  • Manually enter resume into the online application form:   For other online job applications, it may be necessary to enter the data manually. Again, it is useful to have a copy of the CV available, either as in electronic format or paper. In this way, all the vital information is to hand and the CV will tally with the data entered. This can be important in case they require your CV later, and even when trying to accurately reproduce data, some differences could creep in if dates or similar are not to hand.

Whatever way the online job application is made, accuracy and truthfulness are always key attributes. Questions will appear in the minds of prospective employers if facts do not tally in any way.

Ian Poole   Written by Ian Poole .
  Experienced electronics engineer and author.

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