HDMI Connector Pinout: pin connections

HDMI connectors have19 pins although the pin configurations of pinouts are different for the different HDMI connector types: A, C, D, & E

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The HDMI system has five connector types that are defined for the system: HDMI Type A, C, D & E. Type B, although defined has not been used and therefore it is not described here.

Once defined, the pinout or pin configuration for each HDMI connector type has remained the same, meaning that there are no backwards compatibility issues.

Despite this the different HDMI connector types have different pin configurations which means that care needs to be taken when designing equipment or making cables to make sure that the right pin numbers are used for the different signals.

Fortunately as the different HDMI connector types cannot mate with connectors of a different type, there is no issue with cross connecting them and having signals on the wrong lines.

HDMI type A connector
HDMI type A connector showing the 19 pin format

The main HDMI connector types include the Type A which is used for most TVs, Type C which is a mini format, a Type D which is a micro format and the Type E which is used for automotive applications and has a retainer and dirt protection.

HDMI Type A connector pinout

The Type A HDMI connector is the most widely used. It is the one that is present on most TV sets, recorders, set top boxes and the like. It is the connector that most people associate with HDMI.

The HDMI type A male connector measures 13.9mm × 4.45mm, while the female sockets are fractionally larger because they need to accommodate the male and they measure 14mm × 4.55mm.

Often the backshell for the HDMI type A connector seems to be relatively large for the connector size - this is because of the large number of pin connections required.

The type A connector pinout can be seen to consist of two rows of pins with numbering alternating down the length of the connector so that pins 1 and 2 are at one end and 18 and 19 at the other.

HDMI connector pinout
HDMI Connector Pinout
Pin connections for Type A HDMI connector
HDMI Pin Number Signal
1 TMDS Date 2+
2 TMDS Data 2 shield
3 TMDS Data 2-
4 TMDS Data 1+
5 TMDS Data 1 shield
6 TMDS Data 1-
7 TMDS Data 0+
8 TMDS Data 0 shield
9 TMDS Data 0-
10 TMDS Clock+
11 TMDS Clock shield
12 TMDS Clock-
13 CEC
14 HEC Data-
15 SCL (Serial Clock for DDC
16 SDA (Serial Data Line for DDC
17 DDC / CEC / HEC Ground
18 +5 V Power (50 mA max)
19 Hot Plug Detect (1.3) / HEC Data+ (1.4)

Although not all the lines may be used in every applications, all cables incorporate all the lines so that they can be used for any application.

Mini HDMI Type C connector pinout

The mini-HDMI connector is not as common as the Type A, but it is often found on items like camcorders, DSLRs and other forms of photographic equipment. Here size is more of an issue and there would not be space for the full type A connector.

HDMI Type C mini plugs measure 10.42mm × 2.42mm - this makes them significantly smaller than the Type A.

The Type C mini-HDMI pinout is quite similar to that of the standard HDMI or Type A. The differences are that all positive signals of the differential pairs are swapped with their corresponding shield, the DDC/CEC Ground is assigned to pin 13 instead of pin 17, the CEC is assigned to pin 14 instead of pin 13, and the reserved pin is 17 instead of pin 14.

A complete pinout for the mini-HDMI is given in the table below.

Pin connections for Type C or mini-HDMI connector
HDMI Pin Number Signal
1 TMDS Data2 Shield
2 TMDS Data2+ 
3 TMDS Data2-
4 TMDS Data1 Shield
5 TMDS Data1+
6 TMDS Data1-
7 TMDS Data0 Shield
8 TMDS Data0+
9 TMDS Data0-
10 TMDS Clock Shield
11 TMDS Clock+
12 TMDS Clock-
13 DDC/CEC Ground
14 CEC
15 SCL (DDC lock)
16 SDA (DDC data)
17 HEC+
18 +5 V Power (power EDID/DDC)
19 Hot Plug Detect/HEC-
- Shell (Ground)

Pinout for micro-HDMI connector

The micro-HDMI connector is not seen as widely as the Type A or C versions. Nevertheless it is intended for audio visual applications on much smaller electronic devices like smartphones and other similar devices that might need full HDMI capability.

The micro-HDMI is obviously much smaller than the Type A standard HDMI connector, or the Type C mini-HDMI, but it keeps keeps the same number of 19 pins in common with types A and C.

Pin connections for Type D or micro-HDMI connector
HDMI Pin Number Signal
1 Hot Plug Detect/HEAC-
2 Utility/HEAC+ (NC on device)
3 TMDS Data2+
4 TMDS Data2 Shield
5 TMDS Data2-
6 TMDS Data1+
7 TMDS Data1 Shield
8 TMDS Data1-
9 TMDS Data0+
10 TMDS Data0 Shield
11 TMDS Data0-
12 TMDS Clock+
13 TMDS Clock Shield
14 TMDS Clock-
15 CEC (Control)
16 DDC/CEC/HEAC Ground
17 SCL (DDC clock)
18 SDA (DDC data)
19 +5 V Power (power EDID/DDC)

** description on the pin is shown within brackets.

The pinout or pin configuration for the different HDMI connectors is not often needed for making new connectors as the cables are so freely available, but it may be useful for fault finding, or when designing new equipment.

Check out the Electronics Notes: Essential HDMI Items List.

As can be seen from the tables above the pin configuration or pinout is different for the different types of HDMI connector. Care needs to be taken that the pinout for the correct connector style is used.

Ian Poole   Written by Ian Poole .
  Experienced electronics engineer and author.

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